Let's Make something FABULOUS!
Custom Web Page Design
Just getting started? Need a landing page?
We will walk you through the steps of securing a domain, setting you up with reputable and affordable hosting, and create a one page landing page.
Our flat rate service includes a basic landing page, contact form, and connections to social media. Deposit required to begin project. We will need: your logo, mission statement, and any images you would like included. Our process is to meet with you (phone or vid chat) and determine your goals. We layout a page for your review and then implement it. Process takes 3-5 days, once all information, images, and payment are received. QR code included for your use on business cards, signs, etc. We use WordPress, so you can maintain your site in the future, or we also have maintenance plans available.
Skill Level Required
Our Project Kits and Workshops are rated on a scale of 1 to 3 Flamingos for difficulty. In addition, although a project may be Easy Peasy, if special tools or skills are needed, an Instructor will be required for the Project. (ie Fused Glass projects)
Easy Peasy. No previous experience required.
Intermediate. Familiarity with certain techniques recommended.
Advanced. Experience with the skills required for successful completion is highly recommended, as is an instructor.